As we have stated in our two previous posts and in our port report yesterday, the directives with new tariffs and fees are constantly evolving and changing.
Here is the latest news as of the end of day Wednesday, March 5, 2025.
The new 10% increase that was announced on imports from China on top of the February tariff increase will apply to goods that arrive in the U.S. after 12:01 AM March 4, 2025.
The U.S. Commerce Secretary and other economic analysts have stated that there may be “backtracking” on some of the tariff announcements in the coming days and weeks.
While new tariffs on Canada and Mexico were announced over the weekend, they continue to be subject to change as the U.S. negotiates with both countries.
The de minims exemption temporarily went away in February as a part of the early orders of the first 10% tariff increase on Chinese imports, but has since been re-instated “until effective tariff collection systems are in place” for fees on shipments less than $800 for imports from all countries.
As we have stated previously, in this state of continuous change regarding taxes and fees, the best advisors to talk to are the vendors and importers handling the transport of these goods into the U.S.. Importer companies and the vendors themselves are better able to advise on which components of the products - if any - may be subject to the new tariffs, taxes, and fees.